

Datapack Maker

CSS Designer

Roblox Script Maker

Website Builder


About Us

Our Project


Bringing programming to those who don't know it.

Our datapack maker is for those who don't know any programming. Datapacks are a way to enhance functionality on Minecraft.

Our Roblox script maker is for those who don't know much programming. Learn to code your own Roblox scripts for your own Roblox game using AI.

Our website maker is for those who don't know any programming. Why not build your own portfolio?

All plans include:

For developers, too.

Our system lets you skip the boring syntax, and get straight into the logic. The website builder lets you use elements in a folder to build your website.

Make a file ending in .html and save the element in it. The elements' code will replace $enter with values the user enters.

Why not start today?

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